
The App Every New Mom Needs (RIGHT NOW)

Im going to take you to a place that every mother has been. Are you ready? Picture this....


Its 600am and your little, sweet angel wakes up from their sound slumber with blood curdling cries. Not only does this jolt you from the precious sleep your body has now begun to reject (since you get so little of it anyway), but it starts the day off with a sour note you don't quite care for. You go through the first part of the day with a whiny, needy child literally attached to your body, because lord help you if they feel you slip away for a moment. 

Excited for the relief and freedom that comes with sweet nap time, you slowly watch the clock drip toward an appropriate time for your little to be placed in their soft crib. You realize that stupid movie has been on repeat since 605am and decide after this scene THATS IT. The animal finally stops its onscreen screeching, and you scoop your tiny love up, prying their sticky fingers from your pant leg and place them in your arms. You look to the clock and see that you are still 10 minutes from the allotted time slot you told yourself to "make it" to earlier this morning. You rationalize within yourself that clearly this cranky, clingy child with need extra time to "wind down" really they will get geared up for sleep by the time you had previously mentioned still. So now is good. Great. Perfect.

Flash forward 30 minutes, as you stare at the baby monitor and your child who is dripping with snot and fiery hatred. The "no nap monster" has decided that today of all days was an appropriate day to receive tribute. You refrain from plucking every. single. hair. from your scalp and make your way to the nursery. Each step accompanied by little whimpers of "why?". You turn off the sound machine with a forceful touch, flick on the lights, and drained of all life and emotion ask your tiny dictator "What is wrong with you today?!".

Yep. That was super real right? We have all had days that end with a "Lord hear our prayer". But I promise im getting to the point.

Wouldn't it be great if you had a tiny human outline? A weekly forecast for your child's life? YOU. GUYS. IT. EXISTS.

"The Wonder Weeks" is what its called, and I wonder how we made it through without it! This app is 100% worth the download and it has been selected by leading doctors as a top health app. The only condition is that it helps out in the earlier months. It will update you for the first 20 months of your babies life! How helpful is that??

Your new baby changes so. freakin. fast. , and its often paired with fussy phases, poor sleep, or off schedule appetite.  No one wants to deal with a fussy, hangry, exhausted child.....who cant even tell you whats wrong. The Wonder Weeks App helps you track your babies developmental progress, week to week, and gives you a heads up when rough waters are to come. Not only does it tell you to be careful with their next developmental leap, they also give you suggestions on how to best deal with the fussy situation thats front and center in your house. 

Praise the Lord. 

I dont want this article to take up too much of your time, BUT I do hope it helped. Get to that app store, and save a mommas sanity. 

All the best,